How to Have a Good Future with Kidney Disease
Free Video Classes

Do you or does someone you care about have chronic kidney disease (CKD)? If so, you CAN have a good life. There are things you can do to protect your kidneys. If your kidneys fail, there are treatments that will let you keep doing what you love. Learn how to have a good future with kidney disease in our free online classes. Please start with “Coming to Terms,” then choose any class you like.
The classes below are presented by Mary Beth Callahan, a renal Social Worker at Dallas Transplant Institute who has worked with people at early and later stages of chronic kidney disease, people on dialysis, and those who have had kidney transplants.
She has authored numerous articles and presented on a multitude of topics. Mary Beth currently serves on the Board of the Society for Transplant Social Workers and is past Chair of CNSW and an Emeritus Life Options Rehabilitation Advisory Council member. In 2015, she was the recipient of the NKF/Council of Nephrology Social Workers Robert W. Whitlock Lifetime Achievement Award.
Coming to Terms
Being told that you have kidney disease can be a huge shock, even if you knew it was coming. But, you CAN have a good life-even if your kidneys fail. Learn how to think about kidney disease in a different way, so you can stay positive and take action.
Kidneys and Kidney Disease
What do kidneys do for you? What happens in your body when they stop working well? In this video, you can learn about symptoms to share with your care team, stages of kidney disease, and how your blood can be cleaned if your kidneys fail.
Slowing Kidney Disease
If you have some warning that your kidneys are not working well, you can take steps to protect the function you have left. Learn what you can do in this video.
Kidney Transplant
A transplant gives you a new kidney (or a kidney and a pancreas) from a living or deceased donor. Learn about steps for getting on “the list,” medicines you would need, and questions to ask about a transplant. Find out what to expect after a transplant, too.
Dialysis and Your Lifestyle
Dialysis can affect every aspect of your lifestyle, from what you can eat and drink to work, travel, and even your sex life. In this video, you can look at your values-so you can choose an option that will let you keep doing what matters most to you.
Your Money and Your Life
It can be costly to have a chronic disease. The good news is, there is help for you. In this video, learn how Medicare can help you pay for dialysis or a kidney transplant. And, think about your life goals and the steps you want to take to reach for your dreams.