My Kidney Life Toolkit
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My Kidney Life Toolkit

Kidney disease can affect every part of your life. You can keep doing the things you value —IF you make a choice that is a good fit for your life.

Use these resources to learn how your values work on all types of dialysis, with a transplant, or if you choose no treatment (comfort care).

My Kidney Life Plan

My Kidney Life Plan Website

A free tool to help you RATE (using stars) how well a kidney treatment works for your values. Share your summary with your health care team.

Explore YOUR Treatments

My Kidney Life: A New Direction

My Kidney Life book image

If your kidneys—or a loved ones’—don’t work well, you may be angry, sad, scared. Or, you may feel all three ways at the same time. This is 100% normal! When you can move past fear to HOPE, you can make the rest of your life as good as it can be. In this book, we teach you your job with a chronic disease. We help you sort out what matters to you. And, we tell you about each of the treatments, so you can make a choice that fits the way you want to live.

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