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Tips & Stories

Featured Story - A Kidney Disease Success Story

A Kidney Disease Success Story

Featured Story - A Ringside Seat

A Kidney Disease Success Story

Patient Stories

Professional Stories

Patient Scrapbook

Bruce Schultz with friend on motorcycle
The Life Options Patient Scrapbook exists to share photos of patients exercising, playing with grandkids, working—to show that life with kidney failure can be full and active!

Have a tip or story you would like to share? Submit it here!

The main purpose of the Professionals’ & Patients’ stories is to allow sharing of information among members of the renal community. Inclusion of strategies and tips does not imply endorsement by the Life Options Rehabilitation Program or the Life Options Rehabilitation Advisory Council (LORAC).

Information displayed in either category is not intended as a substitute for medical counseling or other professional advice, and should not be considered as such. Patients are encouraged to check with their physicians if they have any questions.